Caribbean Coconut Chicken Stew

Before I ever had the chance to truly experience Caribbean Cuisine, the only things I could relate to were Jamaican Jerk Chicken, which is amazing if the the marinade is made just right, Rice and Peas, and derivatives of Indo-African ‘curries.’ Fortunately, I increased my otherwise rather limited exposure because of two major events:

1) I surreptitiously stumbled upon Tyler Florence’s recipe for Jamaican Corn Porridge.Ā  Do not take the name at face value! Despite the simplicity of its ingredients, this ‘porridge’ is sumptuous! Whoever thought hominy corn and coconut milk would go so well together! When I’m old and toothless, I wouldn’t mind being sloppy over such a scrumptious meal!

2) Of the many noteworthy ethnic cuisine based restaurants in Vancouver, ‘The Reef‘ continues to make it to the top of my list. Initially, I used to fill up on their amazing appetizers and their complimentary Johnny Cakes, which, together with their coconut and orange butter and their truly out-of-this-world in-house hot sauce, would be enough to overwhelm even the most robust of appetites, and not in a bad way! Nonetheless, the one time I decided to forgo the appetizers to try something new, I ended up trying their “Island Thyme Chicken” – which was spectacular! Nothing too complicated – tender chicken breast, marinated in coconut milk with Jamaican thyme and other herbs and spices – but it was this particular combination of flavors that truly makes you go “mmmmmmmmm…” wanting more and more with each bite…

Having thus developed a craving for such tastiness, while realizing the impracticality of frequenting ‘The Reef’ and looking for hominy corn in the markets close by, I decided to combine the best of both influences by creating my own Caribbean influenced Coconut Chicken Stew, as given below. Once again, my recipe does not use precise proportions for any ingredient, so feel free to make your own approximations based on your own preferences.

Ingredients (To serve 4):

– 4 Large boneless and skinless chicken breasts (or 8 – 10 chicken thighs), cut into bite size pieces

– 2 cans of coconut milk

– 1 large Spanish onion (or regular yellow onion), diced

– 1 piece of ginger (4-5 inches), finely grated

– 2-3 celery stalks, finely sliced

– 2-3 tbsp cumin powder

– 2-3 bay leaves

– 2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme (or 2-3 tbsp dried thyme)

– 1-2 tsp allspice

– 2 cups frozen Golden / sweet Corn (or peas, if you prefer)

– 2 cups pre-soaked Black beans (optional – I use these here, so it becomes a one-pot meal. You can serve the stew with rice instead)

– LOTS of freshly ground black pepper

– Salt

– Oil (Olive oil is not recommended, since the flavor would be lost / overwhelmed)


1) In a large pot, add just enough oil to coat all the onions and celery, and cook on medium, till onions have softened.

2) Add bay leaves, ginger and cumin powder. Continue cooking and stirring for a couple more minutes on medium.

3) Add thyme, allspice and coconut milk, and continue cooking for another minute, stirring constantly. Add plenty of pepper, and salt to taste (This step is crucial, since most of the ‘tropical’ flavor here depends on the freshness and quantity of herbs/spices being used… but feel free to add more/less as you please)

4) Add chicken, cover, and cook for 8-10 minutes, until it is almost fully cooked, but still tender.

5) Remove lid and continue cooking on low, to let the stew thicken. Add the corn (or peas) and beans at this point (the salt content would cause the beans to harden, if added earlier), and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

6) By this time, the coconut milk should have reduced down to a thick, rich stew. Garnish with more fresh thyme and pepper, and serve (with cooked rice on the side).

I came up with this recipe somewhat accidentally, since I did not have everything on hand to make a proper Thai Red Curry with chicken… but remembering my previous cravings, I combined together the Caribbean flavors I was most familiar with. In my opinion, the onions and celery, along with cumin, lend an almost Cajun influenced mirepoix (you could consider adding some green peppers and carrots to this mix to complete the experience) like flavor. The slight pungency of ginger and allspice, along with the neutral notes of thyme and bay leaf balance the subtle sweetness of coconut milk. Seasoning this creamy base with plenty of pepper spices up the stew, while the salt allows all other flavors to come to the surface. As if comforting aroma of the cooked chicken, pepper and coconut milk is not enough, the juicy sweetness of the corn and the earthy mouthfeel of the black beans makes this meal truly appealing for all the senses – taste, aroma, texture and colors! Try this out, and I’m sure you’ll be sinking into a satisfied food coma with every spoonful šŸ™‚


4 responses to “Caribbean Coconut Chicken Stew

    • Celery, though it may not have much flavor by itself, is a classic ingredient of the mirepoix, forming a base of ‘aromatic vegetables.’ When used together with onions and carrots (French influence), or onions and green peppers (Cajun influence… closer to the Caribbean), it adds flavor and body to the stew. Besides, celery = good source of fiber as well šŸ™‚

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