Behind The Rambling

Like many others before me and many yet to come, this blog too has emerged out of a need to channel my creative energies through expression; I call it a product of the evolution of numerous thoughts that have been percolating in my mind for far too long. Too many things have been left unsaid, and as some wise person once proclaimed – “If not now, then when?”

That being said, there isn’t much I would like to say about myself at this time. Suffice it to say that the person I have become has been molded by myriad of ideas and influences. In the course of my life, I have moved around often and experienced numerous socio-cultural environments. If anything, I consider myself a global citizen. Nonetheless, Mumbai, India will always remain at the core of everything. After all, “home is where the heart is.”

My interests vary over time, as is inevitable in the wake of constant evolution – social, cultural, political, economic and scientific.  My preferences have changed with time, but certain things remain set in stone. I feel that enjoying newer experiences akin to constructing more floors upon a sturdy foundation.

Nonetheless, certain things are set in stone, such as my love for food/drink and music;  these have collectively parented the pillars of my passions since infancy.  Just as one ought to ‘leave no stone unturned,’ my deep sentimental investments in my interests have more or less driven me to create my lifestyle around ‘leaving no taste-bud unpampered.’ In simpler words, I love to experiment with food, often at the expense of  unsuspecting others, but the fact that I haven’t received any complains yet continues to fuel my food for thought and my thoughts for food. In comparison, I wish I could emulate such success with music, but unfortunately, I am limited to merely listening and getting lost into it. Another wise person once said – “The trouble with life is that there is no background music.”

Apart from considering myself a connoisseur of such things, my other general interests include films, literature, visual art, humor, philosophy, memorable anonymous quotes (if it wasn’t apparent yet) and now, writing… all of the above, minus the technicalities, of course.

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